Friday, May 4, 2012

Audrianne {2}

Audge is turning 14. I really can't believe it, you know? A lot of the time, I randomly drag my siblings outside for "photo shoot practice". I think they're pretty used to it by now. (Hence Emmaline darting into random hiding places when I grab the Canon.) But I couldn't resist another shoot with Audge, especially as she turns over this new leaf. And she was a trooper, no doubt about it.

I mentioned before that I can see her becoming a batty old cat lady. Not an exaggeration, she literally adores her cat. Yeah, it drives me nuts sometimes (I'm a dog person, thank you very much:). 

Oh and I thought I might add, we never argue, and are always just best friends. NOT. (I think there have even been a few death threats in the mix....)
But when it comes to making me laugh, I can't think of anyone who does it better. ;]

Happy Birthday, you lovely girl!